A fight is not won by one punch or kick. Either learn to endure or hire a bodyguard.”  Bruce Lee
Things are really coming together.  We are getting tons of donations, we are up to about 80 donations and baskets from area businesses.  We are getting the program together this week.  Please note, that messages to Stephanie are due by March 15th.  This is a hard deadline for the printer.  So please get them in now. 

I think Holly Ginsberg Gage said it best that she is humbled by all the love on this project.  I have to agree.  Hearing all the stories, meeting all the friends and family has been an inspiration to all of us. 

The race is on Sunday.  Whew, its here already.  We are selling T-Shirts and Bracelets on Saturday at the Appalachian Brewing Co in Collegeville.  Stop by and say hi!  Go Team Stephanie!
T-Shirts will be in March 6th just in time for the race.  Please contact [email protected] if you definitely want to pick yours up before race day.
We are putting together a program for Stephanie's benefit.  We would like to include messages from her friends. Please consider saying something, sixty words or less to Stephanie.  There is no charge for this.  Email [email protected]
The totals stand:

$1000.00 - Benefit Organization (donated)
$  845.00 - Cash Donations & Rocco Fundraiser
$  528.00 - Bracelet's

$    80.00  - Admission Pre-Ticket Sales

$2878.00 - Total
We have raised almost $1000 so far to help with the event and $470 for the cause.  The race is coming up on March 10, 2013. We will have bracelets there for sale and hopefully t-shirts.  :)  Thank you for all support, especially to the volunteers who are helping with everything.