T-Shirts will be in March 6th just in time for the race.  Please contact [email protected] if you definitely want to pick yours up before race day.
We are putting together a program for Stephanie's benefit.  We would like to include messages from her friends. Please consider saying something, sixty words or less to Stephanie.  There is no charge for this.  Email [email protected]
The totals stand:

$1000.00 - Benefit Organization (donated)
$  845.00 - Cash Donations & Rocco Fundraiser
$  528.00 - Bracelet's

$    80.00  - Admission Pre-Ticket Sales

$2878.00 - Total
We have raised almost $1000 so far to help with the event and $470 for the cause.  The race is coming up on March 10, 2013. We will have bracelets there for sale and hopefully t-shirts.  :)  Thank you for all support, especially to the volunteers who are helping with everything.